• Complain Taxi Company in Cypru

    Complain Taxi Company in Cypru

    A rude taxi driver has been caught: what sanctions he faces and where to go Not all taxi drivers know the basics of customer service and have a sense of tact. But there are “rare specimens” who are proud of it, and behave demonstrably rudely. But why should passengers suffer? You just want the order…

  • How to Identify Fake SMS / Message in 3 steps

    How to Identify Fake SMS / Message in 3 steps

    If you detect fraud, please contact Local Authority’s of Special Cyprus Detectives Agency You receive sms like “your FEDEX package with tracking code QS-6656-JK23 is waiting for you to set delivery click link: iscam.info/oknopq.” Or sms like:”Your Bank Account BOCY close your account click here link:Bocy23.site/23bank-o-cyprus” or smd like :”You win click here to collect…

  • How to Identify Legitimate Websites

    How to Identify Legitimate Websites

    Are you concerned that the website or link you follow might be fraudulent?  You trying to shop online and you are not shure about a website / e-commerce? There are plenty of ways to check if a website is safe and legal using contextual clues and online tools! One of the easy way is to…

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