Online Private Investigators and Detectives in Cyprus

What is Online Private Detective Investigator Cyprus ? Online CYPRUS Detectives

online Cyprus Detectives Scam investigations


An Online CYPRUS Detectives and online private investigator is a professional Team who performs surveillance and other investigative duties to gain information about a place or a person for their clients. 

They offer a variety of services, including verifying people’s backgrounds, tracing missing persons, investigating computer crimes, and working for celebrities

A private detective is an individual people can hire for their own investigative purposes. They may also work for attorneys, law enforcement agencies, investigation firms or businesses.

Cyprus Detectives Niksana by Nikos Savva Investigator is a specialist agency for Investigating Computer Crimes and Cyberbullying / Online Scam / Financial Fraud / Crypto Scam etc.

Cyprus Private Detectives NIKSANA is often responsible for looking deeper into a case, finding information and analyzing what they find

Crypto investment scams trick victims

Crypto investment scams trick victims NIKSANA

Crypto investment scams trick victims into buying an unknown cryptocurrency via an exchange platform.

They can also involve scamming current holders of cryptocurrencies by tricking them into transferring their assets from their legitimate wallets to a dubious recipient.

Hack Spy Software Technology Detectives Cyprus ?

Online Private Detectives in Cyprus Nikos Savva use a combination of private investigator software such as online search tools, OSINT resources, computer software, and mobile apps to support many aspects of investigations.

Online private investigators what they can perform a variety of jobs

What is a cyberstalking investigation?

Cyberstalking investigations: Cyprus Detectives Niksana can help you with cyberstalking investigations. Our private investigators in Cyprus use a variety of tools and techniques to identify the perpetrator and gather evidence that can be used in court.

A cyberstalking investigation is an investigation into someone who is harassing or stalking someone else online.

Cyberstalking can take many forms, including sending threatening messages, posting false information about someone online, or using social media to track someone’s movements. Private investigators can use a variety of tools and techniques to identify the perpetrator and gather evidence that can be used in court.

Private Investigator Cyprus Use tools that may include forensic software that can analyze digital data, social media monitoring tools that can track online activity, and surveillance equipment that can capture video or audio evidence.

Private investigators may also conduct interviews with witnesses or use other investigative techniques to gather evidence of cyberstalking.

What is an online harassment investigation?

Online harassment investigations: Cyprus Detectives Niksana can help you with online harassment investigations.

An online harassment investigation is an investigation into instances of harassment that occur online. Harassment can take many forms, including sending threatening messages, posting false information about someone online, or using social media to track someone’s movements.

Private investigators can use a variety of tools and techniques to identify the perpetrator and gather evidence that can be used in court. These tools may include forensic software that can analyze digital data, social media monitoring tools that can track online activity, and surveillance equipment that can capture video or audio evidence.

Private investigators may also conduct interviews with witnesses or use other investigative techniques to gather evidence of harassment.

Social Media Investigations:

Social media investigations: Cyprus Detectives Niksana

Social media investigations: Cyprus Detectives Niksana can help you with social media investigations.

A social media investigation is an investigation into individuals or groups on social media platforms. Private investigators can use a variety of tools and techniques to gather information about individuals or groups, including their location, interests, and activities.

Social media monitoring software that can track online activity, forensic software that can analyze digital data, and surveillance equipment that can capture video or audio evidence. .

Email tracing and tracking:

Cyprus Detectives Niksana can help you with email tracing and tracking.

 Email tracing and tracking involves identifying the source of an email message.

Private investigators can use a variety of tools and techniques to trace an email back to its source, including analyzing email headers and using forensic software.

Email tracing and tracking may be used in a variety of contexts, including cyberstalking investigations, online harassment investigations, and fraud investigations.

Online identity verification

Cyprus Detectives help you with online identity verification.

Our private investigators in Cyprus use a variety of tools and techniques to verify an individual’s identity, including analyzing social media profiles, conducting background checks, and using public records.

Online identity verification may be used in a variety of contexts, including employment background checks, fraud investigations, and cyberstalking investigations

Cyprus Detectives Niksana can help you with email tracing and tracking.

Online fraud investigations

Cyprus Detectives Niksana can help you with online fraud investigations.

An online fraud investigation is an investigation into instances of fraud that occur online.

Fraud can take many forms online, including phishing scams.

Identity theft schemes, online fraud.

Investment scams, financial business fraud

Private investigators can use a variety of tools and techniques to gather evidence of fraud.

Analyzing financial records, conducting interviews with witnesses or victims of fraud schemes, and using forensic software to analyze digital data.

Cyprus Detectives Agency Niksana by Nikos Savva have long experience in investigations.